Mhde Askar Explains Why Travel Agents Still Provide Value

Travel blogger Mhde Askar is on the road again to bring readers tips and tricks that make for an unforgettable trip. Travel agents used to be integral in trip planning. In 2019, however, everything from airfare to cruises to secluded temple visits can be booked online. Travel agents have fallen out of favor. It may…

Mhde Askar Delves into the World Class Sports Franchises of Chicago

Travel blogger Mhde Askar is in Chicago this week, digging into the Windy City’s wealth of professional sports franchises. Chicago is a sports fan’s dream. With two Major League baseball teams and legendary franchises in basketball, football, and hockey, Chicago’s top athletes attract a worldwide fanbase. Visitors don’t have to settle for the view from…

Top Travel Accessories for 2019

More people travel now than ever before, and inexpensive, high quality accessories have flooded the market with ingenious fixes to on-the-road issues. Askar runs down some of his favorites: GDTK PASSPORT HOLDER. This stylish leather passport billfold has spaces for credit cards, boarding passes, and business cards to keep all your critical travel documents in…

Mhde Askar on the Best Neighborhoods to Stay in Chicago

Travel blogger Mhde Askar continues his tour of Chicago, delivering his readers practical advice to make the most of a visit to the Windy City. Selecting the right neighborhood in which to stay makes a big difference when visiting a new city. Chicago has a plethora of neighborhoods to choose from, and your choice will…

Tips on Deducting Expenses for Business Travel

Mhde Askar weighs in on common misconceptions about business travel and the deductibility of travel expenses. Many business owners find it necessary or advantageous to travel for business purposes. As an experienced international traveler and blogger, Mhde Askar has been asked once again to provide valuable tax tips for business travelers. He weighs in on…

Staffing Shortages Causing Delays at Major Airports

Major airports were experiencing delays Friday as the FAA reported staffing shortages at two regional air traffic control centers in Washington and Florida. As the longest U.S. government shutdown on record continues for over a month now, air travel is impacted as both the FAA and TSA are experiencing increased staffing issues. These staffing shortages…

5 Cheap & Tropical Places to Travel for Christmas and New Year

Finding cheap travel during the holidays can be tricky, but if you’re looking to shrug off those winter blues, we’ve got you covered! Below, you’ll find a list of warm and tropical destinations along with some travel tips to help you plan your next Christmas and New Year’s vacation abroad. Travel to India Goa,  India…